Crew: Betty (Ship)

After an honorable discharge from the Alliance Sky Force, Captain Mad Art took his entire pension and spent it custom retrofitting a FISO Corp, Hog-Nose Class Transport into his permanent home and workplace. The retrofit was necessary to accomodate his wheelchair and to allow for special use as a Reaver attack vessel.

Name: Betty
Type: FISO Corporation: Hog Nose Class Transport
Tonnage: 2,400
Speed Class: 7
Fuel Capacity: D6
Complexity: 36-Average
Agility: D4
Strength: D6
Vitality: D6
Alertness: D8
Intelligence: D4
Willpower: D6

Loved: +Major
Good Name: +Minor
Memorable: -Minor
Slow Throttle: -Minor
Better Days: -Minor
Ugly as Sin: -Minor

Perception: D6
Database: D6

Dual Grapplers

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